Friday, 7 March 2014

Welcome to my Blog for ACCT11059 Using Accounting for Decision Making.

Hello, my name is Bronagh and welcome to my blog for ACCT11059, assessment 1.

In this blog, I will be discussing my assigned company which is China Lilang. Their website can be found at They are a leading brand in China's menswear industry.

I'm not going to lie, the company I've been given has disappointed me a little after seeing some of the companies that others got - seeing as I'm not interested in men's business fashion and I'm not at all familiar with Chinese or the culture. However, that's not to say I'm not interested in learning what this company is all about. And being the tech-savvy queen that I am, I'm more than excited to have this assignment based on doing blog posts! I look forward to the journey throughout this assessment task, and I hope you all enjoy my blog, thanks for visiting!


  1. Hey Bronagh, i like your blog so much, the color, theme and the well organisation, they are all really good. I looked at mine after, mine is not even half of yours. T-T. i think i gotta work harder. OMG. but really just want to let you know you are doing really great.

  2. Great blog, Bron! You've got a lot of interesting information about your company. I love that you've used your own unique font colour, it's a great touch! :)
